2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
Adult Programs
Learning & Exploration
Adult programs at AUUF include opportunities to engage in thoughtful discussion, religious exploration, or become involved in activities that support our ministry and UU our principles.
Ongoing Interest Groups
Freethinkers at AUUF
Fridays, Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Small Groups / Chalice Circles
Contact / Organizer: Rev. Lise, Revlise@AnchorageUUF.org
Small Groups take many forms, and are designed to bring members, friends, and community members closer to one another by cultivating deeper connections. Small groups and Chalice Circles connect UUs on a deeper level. Groups of 12 or less meet regularly (often weekly) for a defined period (for example, 8-10 weeks) to reflect and discuss significant life topics. The time together is structured and may include a chalice lighting, focused readings, and a moment of centering silence before participants share their perspectives, tell their stories and listen deeply. New groups are starting up now. Please use this link to sign up!
Hungry Book Club
Contact Mary Kulawik, maryelk@icloud.com
Avid readers meet monthly to discuss well-regarded books from wide-ranging topics. Interested readers meet the second Tuesday, at 2 p.m. at AUUF.
The Alliance
Contact Lead Stephanie Koonz - StephanieKoonz@icloud.com
The Alliance is a small group that seeks to enhance our fellowship programs. The Alliance offers support for one-time special events, funding for small specific items, memorials and receptions, the Rummage Sale, greeters, 4A's lunches, and other very much appreciated support. The group meets the second Sunday of every month at 12:30 p.m., in the AUUF Library.
Green Sanctuary
Contact Cathy Steen
Plan, facilitate, encourage, and organize environmental justice and stewardship activities.
Anti-Racism Group
Contact Michele Champion - AKMicheleChamp@yahoo.com
Dismantling racist culture requires intention and commitment. AUUF’s Anti-Racism Team helps facilitate this lifelong work through bimonthly discussion groups, occasional workshops, religious exploration, worship services, and community involvement.
Contact Esme Danner, Music Director - esmeddanner@gmail.com
Thursdays 6:30-8 pm, AUUF sanctuary. Choir is open to all. Participants should plan to commit to Thursday evening rehearsals, and singing 2-3 Sundays per month.
Special Offerings
Check the Online Calendar or the LOG newsletter for current offerings
The fellowship frequently offers special programs for a limited time to facilitate adult exploration and fellowship. These may include meditation and mindfulness, discussion forums on a spectrum of spiritual and religious topics, potluck discussion programs, and informal gatherings to share a special movie. Special programs reflect the individual skills and experience of the fellowship.